For Current Students

Taking a leave of absence / Withdrawing from Waseda

Taking a leave of absence / Withdrawing from Waseda

If you are taking a leave of absence/withdrawing from Waseda University, you will not be able to continue to stay in Japan under the "Student" status of residence. Please leave Japan promptly or have your status of residence changed to the one appropriate.
*When leaving Japan, please return your Residence Card at the airport.
*Please inquire the Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau for further questions about changing the status of residence.

If you are withdrawing, please submit the "Notification of the Accepting Organization (leave)" to the Immigration Services Bureau within 14 days after withdrawing from Waseda University.
*Please refer to the following site in order to submit the "Notification of the Accepting Organization."
(*Access the link above then change the language from "日本語" button at the bottom left of the screen to "English.")

For procedures regarding anything other than your status of residence, please inquire the office of your school/graduate school.

Studying abroad

Your student status at Waseda University will become either "On leave" or "Studying abroad". Please confirm with your School/Graduate School office.

If your student status is "on leave"

Your status of residence as "Student" will be subject to revocation, so be sure to return your residence card at the airport when leaving the country. You will need to apply for a "Certificate of Eligibility (COE)" when returning to Waseda. See here for the application procedures for the COE. It will take 2 to 3 months to apply for the COE, so be sure to have plenty of time before your return to the university.

If your student status is "Studying abroad"

Basically, it is the same as in the case of "on leave". If you are studying abroad in one of the programs provided by the Center for International Education, you will receive instructions through the orientations before you leave. If you are going abroad under any other programs, please inquire your School/Graduate School office.

To Elective course students / Research students

Elective course students must attend 10 or more hours of courses per week.
This is a legal requirement, and if the student fails to register for at least 10 hours of courses per week, the "Student" status of residence will be revoked. Please be sure to attend 10 or more hours of courses.
In principle, an elective course student can hold a "Student" status of residence for up to one year.

Even if this is your first year as an elective course student at Waseda University, if you have already studied as a non-degree student, such as an auditing research student, an elective course student, or an auditing student at other universities with a “Student” status of residence for one year, you will not be allowed to stay as an elective course student with a "Student" status of residence. If there are special circumstances, please consult with the Immigration Services Bureau beforehand.

Please note that even if your status of residence is not approved, the entrance fee and tuition paid will not be refunded in principle.

In principle, a research student solely for the research purpose can hold a "Student" status of residence for up to two years.

If you have studied as a full-time research student with a “Student” status of residence for two years, including at other universities, you will no longer be allowed to stay as a research student with a “Student” status of residence. If there are special circumstances, please consult with the Immigration Services Bureau beforehand.

Please note that even if your status of residence is not approved, the entrance fee and tuition paid will not be refunded in principle.